Magic Bean factory operations involves sourcing raw green coffee from all over in growing regions of Tanzania, Kilimanjaro and Southern highlands for Arabica coffee and Western, Kagera region for Robusta coffee. Magic bean coffee marketing office based in Dar es salaam for distribution to customers within the country and beyond. Currently the Sales and distribution office is located at Bungoni Apartments Ilala district.
CBC provide expertise in coffee agronomy, wet processing of cherry through CPU’s and connecting with buyers of the global market.
Store this pack at room temperature and do not remove the seal untill just before grinding or if in ground form, keep it closed air tight after opening away from light and moisture.
Use coffee filter machine; OR Pour one table spoon of coffee powder in one cup of boiled hot water. Stir well and leave to brew for 5 minutes while covered. Filter your coffee, and add sugar and milk as per your convenience. Serve your coffee while hot.